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Way of the Gentleman

Gift Card


Shopping for someone else but not sure what to give them? Give them the gift of choice with a Art of The Gentleman gift card.

Gift cards are delivered by email and contain instructions to redeem them at checkout. Our gift cards have no additional processing fees.

FREE SHIPPING: On U.S. Domestic orders $75+ (after discounts have been applied).

SHIPPING TRACKING: All orders come with free tracking.

SHIPPING TIME: Takes about 2 - 5 business days (depends on the shipping method).


  • USPS Ground - 3 to 5 business days
  • Priority Mail - 2 to 4 business days

HOW TO RETURN: Merchandise must be returned within 30 days for a partial or full refund of the purchase price. Please contact us at for your easy no-hassle return.

FREE RETURNS/EXCHANGES: No fees what-so-ever except for the following cases:

  • Sale/Clearance Products are subject to a $5 restocking fee.
  • Free Shipping Subject to reversal if after return value is below $75 threshold.
  • International Orders Customer is required to pay return shipping fees.